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Health Care Assistants

Licensed Caregiver Definitions, Descriptions and Duties  

Caregiver: means an individual who provides supervisory care services, personal care services, or directed care services to a resident, and does not include a family member of the resident.


Directed Care Services: means programs and services, including supervisory and personal care services, that are provided to persons who are incapable of recognizing danger, summoning assistance, expressing need, or making basic care decisions.


Personal Care Services: means assistance with activities of daily living (ADLS) that can be performed by persons without professional skills or professional training and includes the coordination or provision of intermittent nursing and the administration of medications and treatments by a nurse who is licensed to practice in the state of Arizona.


Supervisory Care Services: means general supervision, including daily awareness of resident functioning and continuing needs, the ability to intervene in a crisis, and assistance in the self-administration of prescribed medications.


1. Before providing direct care to the residents at Krishna’s Home the Manager will ensure that each caregiver meets the following requirements:

  •  Is at least 18 years of age or older

  •  Has documentation of completion of a caregiver training program that was approved by the Arizona Department of Health Services (DHS) or NCIA at the time the program was taken and completed by the caregiver

  •  Has documentation of education and/or experience in working with residents requiring supervisory, personal and/or directed level of care

  • Demonstrates the qualifications, skills, and knowledge required to provide assisted living services and/or behavioral care to a population of adults with various levels of physical, functional, and cognitive needs.

  • Has documentation of current freedom for TB that is dated no more than twelve months from the date of hire and maintained yearly from that date, if the caregiver is expected or scheduled to have more than eight hours of direct interaction per week with residents

  • Has a valid fingerprint clearance card issued by DPS, or proof of an application or a fingerprint clearance card within 20 working days of employment at Krishna’s Home

  •  Has valid and current documentation of first aid training and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training certification specific to adults, prior to providing personal or 

  •  If a caregiver is to be left alone to care for the residents, they will be able to read, write, understand, and communicate in English.


2. A caregiver is directly accountable to, and is directed by, the manager and/or governing authority.


3. A caregiver immediately reports all incidents, concerns, and any personal need for additional training to the manager.


4. A caregiver shall document all activities on the appropriate form. These forms include, but are not limited to:

  • Medication administration record (MAR)

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

  •  Incident Reports

  •  Disaster/Evacuation Drills

  •  Requests for orders, supplies, or services from a resident’s healthcare provider

  •  Admission packet paperwork   

  • Treatment records


5. A caregiver may be designated to perform the duties of the manager, when the manager is not on the premises.


​6. Caregivers are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for the position. A caregiver may be sent home to change if he/she is improperly dressed for work.


7. Caregivers are expected to never leave a resident or residents alone.


8. A caregiver is required to complete all new employee orientation, ongoing education and training as identified by the manager, fire, and/or evacuation drills conducted while the caregiver is on the premises, and any mandatory meetings during his/her employment at Krishna’s Home.


9.Caregivers will not be allowed to perform any service, task, or care without receiving the training required, as identified by the caregiver or manager and evaluated by the manager.

  • The manager and caregiver will determine and agree upon the type and duration of the education required for the caregiver to acquire the specific skills and knowledge identified.

  • The manager will ensure a caregiver receives the appropriate training by either personally providing it or arranging for an individual qualified to provide the training.

  • Prior to providing the service, the caregiver will demonstrate he/she has acquired the specific skills and knowledge required to provide the expected assisted living, behavioral health, or behavioral care services identified.


10. Caregivers are expected to comply with Krishna’s Home Policies and Procedures.


11. Caregivers are expected to perform all job duties under the direction of the manager or the manager’s designee.


12. Caregivers may perform the following housekeeping duties: linen changes, setting room in order, keeping drawers and closet areas neat, vacuuming, mopping, ocean resident bathrooms, dusting, and general housekeeping. Keep the refrigerator clean from spills; check expiration dates on foods.


13. Caregivers prepare residents for bed, physician visits, therapy, activities, church, etc., and to transport/transfer residents and assist with the above activities, as needed.


14. Caregivers perform personal services for residents within reason such as:

 Reading to them, writing letters, emails for them, operating TV or radio, and assisting them with recreational and therapy projects, etc.


15. A Caregiver may use a gait belt when transferring and walking residents if needed. A Caregiver will be trained to use proper body mechanics.


16. Caregivers will assist relatives, visitors, and guests.


17. Caregivers will use standard precautions to prevent the spread of disease and infections such as washing hands and wearing gloves.


18. Caregiver will document the required information, and take and record vital signs.


19. A Caregiver will answer residents’ calls promptly and courteously.


20. A Caregiver will create and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, calm environment, personal interest, and positive emphasis. A Caregiver will maintain a cooperative attitude with peers and family members.


21. A Caregiver maintains confidentiality of all residents' information and observes the ‘Residents’ Rights’. The Caregiver will notify the manager immediately if suspected resident abuse, neglect, or exploitation.


22. A Caregiver will report all accidents/incidents to the manager as soon as possible.


23. A Caregiver will be required to read the OSHA safety guidelines for hand washing, infection control, and how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDS) regarding chemical spills.


24. A Caregiver who has contact with bloodborne pathogens will be offered the Hepatitis B Vaccination. Documentation of refusal or receiving the vaccination will be maintained in the employee file.


25. A Caregiver will know how to utilize the facility resource manual with protocols and procedures to appropriately care for residents.


26. A Caregiver assures that all work areas are clean and that equipment and supplies are properly stored. Caregivers will sanitize equipment, as needed. Caregivers will be educated in the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) when performing duties that are considered hazardous.


27. Caregivers who are required to wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) must demonstrate the following:

  • Use protective equipment properly

  • Be aware of when personal protective equipment is necessary

  • Know what kind of protective equipment is necessary

  •  Understand the limitations of personal protective equipment in protecting workers from injury

  •  Put on, adjust, wear, and remove personal protective equipment

  •  Maintain protective equipment properly

Non-Profit 501 (c)(3)

Krishna's Home is an assisted living household for devotees that require care,

located near ISKCON Tucson.

514 E Blacklidge Dr
Tucson, Arizona 85705





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FAX: 520-482-2974

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